Is prostate cancer ?
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate organ man, is the result of the growth of prostate acinic cell abnormal and irregular.
What percentage of the growth of prostate cancer ?
Prostate cancer is very rare in men under the age of 45 years, but in conjunction with the addition of age, secretly possible growth of prostate cancer increases, the majority of prostate cancer patients aged over 65 years. Basically, each additional 10 years of age in people aged over 40 years, the possible growth of prostate cancer more than doubled, the danger of men aged 50-59 years of prostate cancer is 10%, while men aged 80-89 years increased to 70%.
The cause of prostate cancer
Cause very dangerous :
1. Age : age is a major cause of prostate cancer is dangerous.
2. Genetic family : when there is a close family men with prostate cancer, then it is likely that other families affected by cancer man prostatpun increased.
3. Race : the possibility of prostate cancer in African descent living in the United States ( including black Americans. Is the highest, then the Spanish and American white people, whereas the likelihood of prostate cancer Africa is the lowest in the world.
4. Changes in prostate pathological abnormalities : men suffering from prostate neoplasia Intraphitelial, the chances of developing prostate cancer increases clearly.
Cause quite dangerous :
1. Diet : men who frequently eat foods high in animal fat is a group of men were prone to prostate cancer.
2. Hormones male : male hormones in the body can facilitate tumbuhnnya prostate cancer, is one of the causes of prostate cancer.
symptoms of prostate cancer
1. Symptoms of blockage : the difficulty urinating, urinary retention, pain, urinating blood or urine pengontolan loss, etc.
2. Symptoms local invasive : the cavity between the bladder and the rectum is the most first hit, the cavity between the bladder and the rectum, including the prostate, testes, vas deferens, urinary tract and other organs, such as the tumor invaded and crush the vas deferens can trigger pain and next testicular pain.
3. Symptoms other deployment : prostate cancer spreads to the bone easily, initially may not show any symptoms, there is also because of the spread of bone resulting in an emphasis on the nerve or pathological fractures when newly discovered check for prostate cancer.
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