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Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas has two endocrine and exocrine function, derived from endocrine cancer cells, called neuroendocrine carcinoma cancer, relatively rare, Steve Jobs died of cancer this. Neuroendocrine carcinoma in many cases relatively low level of ferocity, the disease process rather long, way of treatment with pancreatic cancer that is often found also different. Derived from exocrine cancer cells, pancreatic cancer that often we call a type of pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor. Levels of pancreatic cancer worldwide increased, more common in older people, men more than women ages 40-65 years, but the last few years occurred at a younger age. Pancreatic cancer malignancy level is very high, from the discovery of the disease to death on average within 5 months, with a survival rate for 5 years by about 5%, known as the "king of cancer". Among them there are only 15-20% of patients who can receive operations, among 40 % of patients receiving surgery has been found to deployment, postoperative survival rate of only 10%. Along with advances in diagnostic technology is increasing, many new treatment methods are used, giving hope of survival for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Factors that cause pancreatic cancer, it can be said is still not clear, but with increased with research, we still thought associated with the following factors :

1. Smoking. Smokers risk of pancreatic cancer is 3 times that of nonsmokers.
2. A diet high in protein, high fat, and high in calories. Lucio famous Italian tenor Pavarotti and peseni Lidya Shen Hong Kong due to diet high then 3 pancreatic cancer.
3. Diabetes. Diabetics are prone to pancreatic cancer.
4. chronic pancreatic inflammation. Chronic pancreatitis can develop into pancreatic cancer.

People who are susceptible to pancreatic cancer:

1. Age over 40 years, rather plump body shape, has a poor lifestyle habits, such as frequent smoking, drinking alcohol, eating habits "three high".

2. If you eat greasy food and diarrhea, especially there is a layer of oil on the dirt, this may indicate impaired pancreatic exocrine function.

3. Young people are no descendants of diabetes, but suddenly suffering from diabetes. Suddenly getting diabetes is a sign of pancreatic cancer. People with diabetes are more than 5 years, the risk of pancreatic cancer than those of normal is 1.2 fold.
Tag : Pancreatic
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