Treatment prostate cancer
1. Operation : externis prostate surgery is a treatment that is most often encountered, the surgical removal of the prostate, the overall lift the prostate cancer or prostate whole, in order to restrain the expansion of prostate cancer.
2. Radiotherapy : Radiotherapy mainly divided seek ways as follows : a. radiotherapy outside the body.
b. radiotherapy in organ, this method is often combined with prostate radical mastectomy or lymph node clearance operations pelvis ;
c. radiotherapy throughout the body, in certain circumstances can reduce pain in certain parts caused by the spread of bone and reduce the progression of lesions.
3. Chemotherapy : Treatment with chemotherapy drugs, is a way of treatment of prostate cancer throughout the body, can control the expansion and spread of cancer cells effectively.
4. Traditional Chinese Medicine : Traditional Chinese medicine for prostate cancer, on the one hand can kill and suppress cancer cells, improving the condition of the disease, on the other hand can improve the condition of the patient's body, strengthen the immune system, overall improving treatment outcomes.
5. Treatment Jie Ru : Ru Jie treatment technology as a new technology in the treatment of cancer, has the advantage of a small wound, without pain, blood comes out a little, quick recovery, etc .
Experts from Guangzhou Modern Tumor Hospital shows, treatment of prostate cancer should not be focused only on one specific part or the way of treatment, but must be adapted to the stage of the disease, the type of organ, tumor type biological and physical condition, must combine surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy , treatment traditional Chinese, Jie Ru and other scientific treatment, so the new can achieve the best results .
prostate cancer recovery
1. Psychological Recovery : helping patients dispose of distress, supporting the patient to be optimistic, and diligent treatment.
2. Recovery of diet and intestinal tract : to reduce constipation after surgery, should teach the patient to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, easily digested and rich in fiber, drink plenty, every morning waking regular bowel movements , in order to maintain smooth sewerage. Abstinence spicy foods and foods that are hard so as not to constipation.
3. Recovery of spasms of the bladder : when the bladder feels seizures, breathing deeply and ask family members to massage the feet can reduce the pain. If after surgery, there are still ongoing spasms, analgesic medication must be given in order to reduce the patient's pain.
In addition, good quality sleep can also help the recovery of the patient, choose the right time for the patient to rest, give the patient a comfortable sleep environment.
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