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The Easy Way To Prevent Breast Cancer

Exercise for 45 minutes per day can burn fat and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially in women who have menopause. Health experts say, the body fat in women who have menopause is the biggest factor to the emergence of breast cancer.

"The relationship between physical activity and the risk of breast cancer in women after menopause are supported by epidemiological studies more than 100," said researcher, Friedenreich in study published in JAMA Journal of Oncology.

Prevent Breast Cancer

According to them, a variety of aerobic activity can increase heart rate 65-75 per cent, including walking, cycling and running, allowed. Previously, experts recommend women do sports at least 150 minutes per week to prevent breast cancer.

The increase in the duration of the exercise up to 300 minutes per week, especially on those who suffer from obesity were able to reduce body fat more, i.e. one kilogram or one percent of body fat.

Not only that, the fat in the abdomen, waist and body mass index are known to decrease in women who do sports 300 minutes per week.
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