Cancer Blog

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Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the testes (scrotal), which can lead to enlarged testicle or cause a lump in the scrotum. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer found in men aged 15-40 years.

Causes  Testicle Cancer

Most testicular cancer occurs at the age under 40 years of age. Exact cause is unknown, but there are several factors that support the onset of testicular cancer:

-. Undesensus Testis (testicle does not descend into the scrotum)
-. Abnormal testicular Growth
-. Klinefelter Syndrome (a sex chromosome disorder that is characterized by low levels of the male hormone, infertility, breast enlargement (gynecomastia) and small testes).

Testicular cancer symptoms
Enlarged Testicle or palpable-strange (not as usually)
-. A lump or swelling in one or both testicles
-. Blunt Pain in the back or lower abdomen-Gynecomastia
-. Discomfort/pain in the testicles or scrotum feels heavy.
But it may also not found any at all.

Testicular cancer treatment
Treatment depends on the type, stage and severity of the disease. After the cancer is found, the first step is to determine which type of her cancer cells. Next determined his stadium :

-. Stage I cancer has not spread beyond the testicle
-. Stage II: cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the abdomen
-. Stage III: the cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes, get to the liver or lungs.

There are 4 kinds of treatment that can be used:

1. Surgery: removal of the testes (orkiektomi and removal of lymph nodes (limfadenektomi
2. Therapy shines: using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays, is often done after limfadenektomi on a non-seminoma tumours. Also used as the main treatment in seminoma, especially at the initial stage.
3. Chemotherapy: use of drugs (e.g. cisplastin, bleomycin and etoposid) to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy has increased the life expectancy of non-seminoma tumor sufferers.
4. Bone Marrow Transplant: do if chemotherapy has caused damage to the bone marrow of the patient.

Seminoma Tumors:
-Stadium I treated with orkiektomi and shines the abdominal lymph nodes
-Stadium II treated with orkiektomi, shines and chemotherapy lymph nodes with sisplastin
-Stage III treated with orkiektomi and multi-drug chemotherapy.

A Non-Seminoma Tumors:
-Stage i: treated with orkiektomi and probably done limfadenektomi belly
-Stage II: treated with orkiektomi and limfadenektomi the stomach, possibly followed by chemotherapy
-Stage III: treated with chemotherapy and orkiektomi.
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