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71 Years Man Cured Lung Cancer

Tanuhendrata aged 71 years (From Indonesia) not found himself subjected to a bloody cough or pain in the chest that is incredible. He only felt pain in the spine as one of fibres. When sleeping, he's always fixing her position because it is always uncomfortable.

In 2006, when doctors diagnose that there was cancer in his lungs, no sense of shock and frustration from him. He was aware of what had happened, the old customs, the effects of smoking.

"I realized if I was a heavy smoker. If it's got cancer, yes these consequences. I can receive, but my wife didn't, "said Hendra to Liputan6

Not only the heavy smoker, formerly Hendra is a very irregular in live his life. Not eating regularly, do not like sports, sleep was never organised.

"It used to be easy I also stress. I am in charge of a factory. The combination of smoking and stress which makes me easily diagnosed lung cancer, "he added.

Be grateful he has a boss who cares with his men. At the time he told his superiors that he was exposed to lung cancer, his superiors who are looking for a doctor for her country to Singapore.

"My only quiet time alone and still actively smoking and my boss was busy looking for a doctor," said hendra

All the healing process he run. A CT-scan, biopsy, until petscan. The doctor checked his condition said, if there is a type of cancer in her body couldn't be operated.

"Doctors dare not throw out my lungs. Afraid that if things happen that you don't want, "he said. After listening to the explanation of the doctor, Hendra finally run 4 times of chemotherapy, which he did, per 3 weeks.

When do the checking the disease, allergic examination, including blood and the others, it was concluded that Hendra's body was only able to 4 times of chemotherapy.

"The doctor said my body including the powerful. Fastest 4 times. If the body is not strong, chemotherapy can be up to 8 times, "said Hendra.

Not only chemotherapy, from Monday until Thursday Hendra also must undergo radiation by as much as 33 times. During the treatment process and expressed lung cancer stage 3, the possibility of life just 13.5 percent. Doctors say there is still no drug that can cure it in total.

Treated with fruits and veggies, Hendra decided to Finally go to the bookstore and look for books about the concept of operating outside of medicine and surgery. "Because if you want to buy an encyclopedia lung cancer is expensive. Get up to $ 600, "said hendra

Without consulting a doctor, Hendra confidently do what is suggested in the book. Hendra consuming vitamin C, mineral, drinking and making vegetable juice.

In the past , when it has not been diagnosed with lung cancer, Hendra never eating these foods. But, since being diagnosed, all of it inevitably must he consumption .

Not only that, He also did what was suggested by other people, including her friends.
"I also drink a tomato juice are cooked. Previously boiled first, to take likopennya. Then, there's also suggested that eating temulawak, saffron, in order to keep the liver, "said husband born in Bandung, 24 November 1942.

To recover, He willingly left the rice, sugared foods, and replace it with a healthy. "Sugar, dairy, red meat, white chicken meat when they are raised in a modern, it also may not be," explained Hendra.

After going through year after year, eventually Hendra declared recovered from lung cancer. Because of its belief that high against what he consumed, until now still taking a routine Hendra healthy foods.

When eating rice balls and sugared foods, "first anyway, not decrease it drastically. Still eat just a little bit, but the portion is big, "said the father of two children is.

His wife, Lilyana C, the faithful show him speak when her weight had dwindled to 12 kilograms, when hearing the husband so he loved ones suffer from diseases that are most feared it.
In order to assist the healing of the husband, Lilyana trying help figuring out the way Hendra vegetable anything positive arthritis to lung cancer Hendra.

Cured Lung Cancer
Because hendra hobby read, liliaana is also contracted to avidly read. he find out all about the vegetables. and finally, Lilyana know what vegetables that must be consumed her husband. And continuously, he makes for a beloved husband.

According to Lilyana, alkaline vegetables that end up making the cancer was not comfortable being in the body of the Hendra. Lily routinely poach the spinach red, water drunk by Hendra. And he routinely gives the Green Apple, lime and grapefruit.

"Green Apple it is alkaline. If Red is acid. So too with lime and grapefruit, it is alkaline. The other just Orange sour, "said Lily.

His efforts succeeded, in 2011, Hendra declared cured. He claimed that his recovery is now not merely because of the drug. He can be healed, because he keeps his life patterns, and always consuming foods that are nutritious.

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