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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

The early symptoms of prostate cancer is not clear, therefore, many patients are deprived of the opportunity to make treatment more quickly. Then the proper diagnosis method is essential.


1. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test : This test is to detect the presence of prostate specific antigen in the blood.

2. Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) : This examination can be performed to check whether there is a lump, but not able to detect early prostate cancer symptoms.

3. Biopsy : if the PSA test has shown the presence of abnormality, and a lump in the prostate, prostate biopsy can be performed under ultrasound guidance. And diagnosis can disconnect from here.

4. Ultrasound/CT/MRI : This inspection usually done to check how far the severity, the spread of the cancer. This examination should be performed before biopsy. Because if done after biopsy fear no change in the cancer cells.

5. Bone scan : The first spread of prostate cancer usually is to the bone, so the bone scan may be done to check whether there is metastasis to bone.
Tag : Prostrate
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