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Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Currently Gastric cancer is one of the malignant tumor incidence rate is high, while the mortality rate of gastric cancer is gradually increasing. The main reason for this is because the early symptoms of stomach cancer are not obvious, so the patient is not detected early and early treatment.

The early symptoms stomach Cancer

1. Sense Bloating of the stomach : 70% of patients will have symptoms, these symptoms accompanying gastric cancer patients during the period of the disease, is a common early symptom of gastric cancer seen. These symptoms often appear at rest, during activity, mental dispersion disappears.

2.acid reflux or heartburn in the stomach : Many patients often feel a little pain in the stomach, after eating medicine pain disappeared. Or after eating, feels flatulence, belching or other symptoms. When examined by a doctor frequent misdiagnoses, be gastritis. At this time, the patient should go to the hospital for endoscopy, this is the best method for early diagnosis.

3. Weight loss, lethargy : patients often because of loss of appetite, become lethargic, weak, or other symptoms appear.

4. Melena (black feces) : If you are not in a situation of drugs bismuth agent but appears black stool, should soon be checked into the hospital.

Symptoms of advanced gastric cancer

Some of the symptoms of advanced gastric cancer is an early symptom of increased parah.Bila disease has reached an advanced stage, the symptoms are not easy to remove. In addition, symptoms of what else is included in the advanced stages of stomach cancer ?

1. Metastasis : In the advanced stages of gastric cancer has a great opportunity for metastasis, cancer cells generally directly spread to neighboring organs, also can metastasize via the lymph to the lymph nodes in the abdomen and lymph nodes far away, can also metastasize through the blood circulation to distant organs, which led to the emergence of ascites, jaundice, enlarged liver and gastric perforation, hemorrhage, necrosis and other complications. If the patient has any of these symptoms, do not despair, for choosing the right treatment and maintain a good mood, will get good treatment outcomes as well.

2. Other symptoms : stomach cancer at the cardia often cause dysphagia, and regurgitation of food. Stomach cancer can cause acute gastric perforation, causing abdominal pain and symptoms of peritonitis. Some patients also experience diarrhea, constipation and abdominal discomfort, fever, etc.

The expert team of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou suggest : Cancer of the stomach brought great suffering to the people, if you look at the above symptoms, should immediately check into the hospital, memiilih proper treatment, avoiding missed on the best treatment time.

Tag : Stomach
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