Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumor found in women, the rate of incidence is increasing, and tends to occur in young women. Based on statistical data, the rate of occurrence of breast cancer at 7% -10 %, especially at the age of 40-60 years, in the period before and after menopause, the risk will be higher.
Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou said, most patients are diagnosed when the cancer had entered an advanced stage, one of the causes are many women who do not ignore the symptoms of breast cancer at early symptoms.
The early symptoms of breast cancer :
1. Breast pain : In most patients with early symptoms, although not found a lump obvious, but often feel pain in the breast, sharp pain, swelling, and other symptoms. If you find the above symptoms, it is advisable to carry out checks to the gynecology department, and must immediately perform imaging examinations.
2. Both sides of the breast asymmetry : Due to the presence of a tumor or tumor adhesion and chest wall, breast can undergo changes in volume or shape, this should be watched and immediately relevant examination.
3. Galactorrhea : The appearance of nipple discharge primarily white, pale yellow, the color of blood, watery and out pus.
4. Swollen lymph nodes : In the initial symptoms can be found swollen lymph nodes in the armpit .
5. Changes in nipple : When tumor invasion into the area below the nipple or areola, nipple can cause deviates to one side, retraction or depression.
6. Breast Lumps : When pressing the breast and found a lump, often single, irregular hard lump that can move normally would not cause real pain. We recommend that you do an ultrasound, to know more clearly about the size, shape, nature, and others.
7. Changes in the skin : skin of the breast may change such as orange peel, the edema there are pores that have a clea
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Breast Cancer,