Cancer Blog

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Cured of Cancer Stage 4

Cancer is one of the biggest fears of many people, especially if the cancer suffered already up on stage four. Most cancer patients who have reached stage 4 usually has to give up the search for treatment. But apparently not all stage 4 cancer leads to death. One of these cases occurred in the eight -year girl named Josie Nunez.

Josie Nonez has a long illness . He often feel nauseous, weak, and vomiting every day. After examination known that Josie has a brain tumor pressing against a nerve. After undergoing surgery, chemotherapy , and radiation therapy, weight Josie continues to decrease and this little girl is getting weaker.

Josie almost as hopeless as other tumors known to appear in the middle of the brain and can not be cut. Doctors even been sentenced that age Josie soon. Despite almost gave up, but they also look for alternative ways to heal their daughter. Until they find a natural medicine expert Dr. Bernardo Majalaca, as reported by the Daily Health Post (09/09).

From examination by Dr. Majalaca, it is known that Josie is very acidic body pH. Dr. Majalaca then suggested that a diet Josie alkaline to neutralize the pH. pH is too acidic will make the cells become toxic and easy death. Josie asked to consume foods that are not acidic and eat more vegetables and fruits.

A few months later when the check up, the doctor was surprised with the development of Josie. Not only can survive for a long time, Josie brain tumors also had shrunk to 75 percent ! After eight months, Josie brain cancer disappeared.

"Most doctors do not know that nutrition is associated with cancer," said Dr. Majalaca.

Keeping the body pH balance is also important to maintain a healthy body cells. pH is too acidic will make the cells become poisoned and die quickly. For cancer patients, do not easily give up the fight against the disease. Looking for an alternative way of natural origin as Josie can also be done.
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